Using garden-statuary-fountains in a water garden or flower garden
Decorating with garden-statuary-fountains adds personality and charm to your yard. Below is a
Koi Pond
with a plastic figurine of a crane. Not only is it attractive and graceful in this landscape, and sets a mood of relaxation, but it also does a job. They say that a bird that preys on fish likes to eat alone. So by having a figurine of a crane, the pond is protected to an extent from predatory birds.
The other statues in the picture, are not only a display of art and peacefulness, but also are secondary water feature fountains. They have been placed into the water body with their own circulation systems, so in addition to the
natural creek style water falls
there are streams of water flowing into the pond. Additionally the figurines are yard statues at the flip of a switch. They really add finishing touches and additional water action to the water garden.

Below is a figurine of angels in a watergarden. Maybe it is suggesting a dreamland or fairy tale, who know's, leave it to your imagination to decide. This is what these figurines and water statues do, they invoke thought and imagination, and combined with the natural sounds of the waterfeature, create an escape from everyday worldly stress. The additional layer of natural art is decoration with a statement. This art is natural and relaxing for the senses.
This kind of art adds a touch of dreamland to a natural landscape scene, but be carefull not to place too many garden-statuary-fountains in the yard for it will clutter up the area and look detrimental.
This statuary fountain is more formal and fits better in a courtyard or entry of the home. We refer to these as pre-cast fountains of pedestol fountains. You would normally see something like this in a spanish courtyard or public area. I think this one could look much better with flowers around the base to soften the hard scape.

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